I Want Us to Be like Salmon

Salmon swim right to my plate

    Seafood. One of the most polarizing food groups, to which I say HOW! Seafood, now, has been my go to answer for the "What's your favorite food?" icebreaker. I think the options are endless when your food swims before it falls on your plate. But in my household the love for seafood hasn't always been as prevalent. My dad likes some kinds, my brother is inconsistent, my sister likes shrimp (we'll get her on the rest don't worry), but my MOM. My mom likes fish sticks as her only form of seafood with a side of mayonnaise that is. And I don't blame her. There's something special about a fried processed fish dipped in a creamy sauce. Honestly just gimme the box and a jar and leave me alone for a couple hours. But for her that's the only time she can stand a fishy taste. So growing up, my seafood palette was virtually untouched. That is, until my grandma came into the picture.
    My grandma (we'll have a whole post dedicated to her soon) was my gateway to the world of fish. She urged me to pick Red Lobster for my birthday, told me shrimp was not scary, and could talk for hours about a fish fry. Once she introduced me to fried calamari my life was CHANGED. Like how could something taste so good. When she cooked fish, you KNEW she cooked it. She was the person to cook fish in an apartment complex and let the whole place know (i.e. the smell). And now that's me in St. James. Oops #sorrynotsorry you only eat Taco Bell. Anyways, her influence led me to want to try fish and all the different things that come along with these little slimy friends. If I cooked a fish dish (hehe) I knew she would want to know, and now I know she looks down and smiles every time I cook seafood in my tiny apartment kitchen. The flavors introduced to me by my grandma are irreplaceable. The door to seafood was open and I was ready to *dive* in. (haha what a funny joke because fish live in water)

    My favorite seafood option by FAR is salmon. It is versatile, adopts to ANY flavor, and pink. God, what a trifecta. But we can't just talk about salmon without paying it a homage. I want us to be like salmon. Weird huh? Why would I want you to be a fish when you have legs and arms a smile. It's more of what salmon represents to me, not its physical being. Salmon, as species, are highly resilient. They live in packs or pods or groups, you know what I mean. This species is capable of rapid productivity and never stops swimming (until it's on my plate at least. Tanner: 1 , Salmon: 0). So overall wild salmon are always working to better themselves with the support of their friends. And that is what I want us to do. Better ourselves because it's the right thing to do. Better ourselves to ensure sustainability in our lives. Eat food like salmon *which is healthy btw* to fuel ourselves to be the best version of it. All while being surrounded by others encouraging you to do the same. Throughout my fitness journey salmon has become a quick go-to dinner for when I need something yummy but not time consuming. So today I share with you "Maple Dijon Salmon and Kale Salad". It's quick, not as pretty as the others. But it's fuel.


What you'll need:

2 salmon filets
1 tbl dijon mustard
2 tbl maple syrup
1 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 clove garlic paste
2 basil leaves 

How to do it:

1. Preheat your oven AND tray to 425. 
2. Whisk together the mustard, syrup, garlic, and spices in a small bowl and set aside
3. Score the salmon in a cross hatch pattern (OPTIONAL: garlic slices in the cuts)
4. Smear that dijon goodness on your salmon and wrap in tin foil
5. Place in over (on HOT tray) for 10 minutes. Remove and enjoy!

Kale Salad (hella basic version)

What you'll need:

1-2 cups of kale 
1/2 small red onion, sliced
1 tomato, diced
2 tbl parmesan crumbles 
1/4 cup chopped almonds 
1/4 of an apple, sliced or diced or julienned (however you like)
1 tbl olive oil

How to do it:

1. Massage kale in large bowl with olive oil
2. Add in everything else and toss.
3. Add your favorite dressing (I whisked together dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, and maple syrup to match the salmon). 
4. Plate and enjoy!

*Note: I also had some roasted zucchini with this meal. The veggies for me will shift based on the time of the year.*

    While basic, and not as visually appealing as the other dishes in this blog, this meal IS the point of it. This entire plate was fuel for my body to ensure a sustainable lifestyle. The flavors are unmatched, the plating could use some work, but the message shines through. Much like salmon themselves, we have to eat things that make us want to be things. Not every night will allow you to be innovative in the kitchen. So having healthy staples like these recipes on hand are great ways to fuel yourself when the road won't stop. If it weren't for my grandma I wouldn't have known these flavors excite me. While she may have preferred a baked potato instead of kale, I know she is proud of the way I utilize her favorite flavors.
    Take time to reflect on who you want to be and eat the things to get you there. There's no right or wrong as long as you be like salmon and swim upstream. (HAHA what a funny fish joke).

ALSO p.s. speaking of fish my goldfish (BOTH OF THEM) DIED yesterday. I can't believe it. Let me know in the comments if I should buy more.


The Fat Foodie


  1. Hey man great post! Honestly, I can never get fish right, which sucks because it's honestly one of the best meats for you and can taste so good when done well. Looking forward to trying this out.

    1. Thanks! It took awhile to fully understand how to cook seafood. Lmk if you need any pointers!

  2. Sorry about your fish! I love seafood, but not salmon. Is that weird? Scallops are my recent fave, but sometimes they are sketchy in central IL. Always my go to when I'm on the beach, though.

    1. Thank you haha! It was a sad day in Unit 12. That's how my dad is, hates salmon but will eat most others. Costco has become my go-to for seafood in Peoria. I can buy it in bulk and freeze it! (life and money saver). I've actually never cooked scallops, but every time I've eaten them they've been delish.

  3. I'm making salmon tonight!!!!! I hope it will live up to this one.


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