The Fat Foodie! How did it? What is it? Why do it?

Hi everyone! It's me Tanner aka the Fat Foodie. And yes I gave myself that name, and yes I am the self dubbed fat king. And yes I am on a health journey. Sounds weird right? I bet you are thinking, how can someone who calls them self fat and seem to love it want to take steps to change that entire identity. Well, aside from the internalized fat-phobia, it's a common notion we all have. But for that to make sense we gotta start with the "How did it".............

Me, Tanner, Sunburnt AF

Okay so it's a murky day winter break 2019, I'm driving through the Chicago suburbs blasting some Lana Del Rey song on the way to my dermatologist appointment. (Not super important, but it helps set up the scene relatively well) The appointment goes like usual; I wait, we talk about my skin, they ask if I still sweat a lot, I say yes, and then I get the typical go get your blood work done so we can prescribe your medications. This routine has been built into my life for the last five years at that point. The blood work request wasn't a shock because being on any medication for years it made sense they wanna make sure everything is flowing all good inside me. But little did I know this one blood draw would completely change the course of my life. 

I am not good with needles, and this time was no exception. This nurse, doctor, blood drawer person was my only enemy in this moment. They "carefully" stabbed me, missed a vein (typical), then stabbed again. The blood withdrew from me like the way a 7-11 Slurpee makes it's way up a straw. Slow and not as satisfying as you would want. The phlebotomist, yeah I found out the name of the blood drawer friend, sealed everything up and I was on my way. Three days later they called and informed me I had elevated liver enzymes. Not knowing what this meant I took to Google and freaked myself out. I went into the Doctor's office with a list of diseases I was SURE I had. This Doctor was nice, not like super nice, but approachable. I asked her what could be the cause of my elevated enzymes. The acne antibiotic I've been on for the last 5 years? No. Going out to Crusens every week? A slightly disappointed no. A rare tumor? No. After what seemed like an endless list of possibilities she came to one conclusion. And when I asked her what are the next steps her only words were, "You need to reduce your weight". All of the anxiety I was feeling about my health was not from something I was putting in my body, but rather my body itself. While not shocked, I was discouraged for sure. I had spent the last four years learning to love all the curves that come with a fat body. I liked the way I moved. I liked the way I looked. I was surrounded by friends who embraced fatness. I have always hated the way I looked, and finally when I was loving the way I was I had to make drastic life changes. That's "How" this journey started, having to change my weight not because I want to be skinny, but because I have to for my health. 

Now, the "What is it". This blog will explore the relationship we have with food and how it fuels our body. My goal is to attempt to get rid of the notion that we eat healthy to be skinny. That we lose weight because skinny is the goal. That we exercise to be skinny. Being "skinny" should never be the goal when it comes to health. I am eating healthy foods because I want to fuel my body to be its most efficient version. And if weight is lost during this process, then that is just a byproduct of making a healthy choice. Each week I will tell a cute (or not cute) story and then coincide each story with an original recipe used to fuel our bodies, not put out our fuse. I love being fat, I love eating food, but most importantly I love the relationship I have with food. Not everyday is easy, but making the choice of health will always wake me up in the morning. 

Where I got the sun burn in photo #1 

Why is this message important you ask? It's important because I want each of you reading this to know that your body does not define your worth. Your body does not define your life, but rather your body is your life. Fat, skinny, pear, or twig your body is yours and fueling it should be important to you. Fueling your body with healthy foods can be easy, affordable, and fun. Fat bodies are beautiful and we should fill them with things that empower them, instead of trying to change them. So I invite you on my journey to redefining our relationship with food. It'll be quirky, filled with grammatical errors, but most importantly my genuine love for food and making things with it. Forks in hand, we'll prove you can be fat AND healthy. 


The Fat Foodie 



  1. TANNER! I am literally so excited to read this. I've gotten really interested in cooking and my relationship with food this summer so I cannot wait to hear your takeaways and recipes!

  2. This is awesome! I love the message and heart behind it! I am excited to read more soon!

  3. I think this is going to be a great blog! I love you're able to let your personally really come through in your writing, while talking about a topic that can be serious. It's going to be both entertaining and have some relatable takeaways!

  4. First, your writing is engaging and compelling. It will take you somewhere in life. Second, congratulations on your healthy focus. I'm looking forward to reading.


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