Happy Thanksgiving, This Year I Was Tasked with Making the Turkey. (OH NO)

    As we enter this weird Holiday time nothing seems like it will get better. Normal?? I don't even know her. With talks of a vaccine, increased spread, and more deaths everyday the world seems like a bleak place. And having the biggest pandemic surge during the holidays makes it all even worse. A time that is supposed to be celebrating life and family looks so different for so many families, mine included. This year at our Thanksgiving table we will be missing multiple chairs. One for the life of the table who has passed on from COVID-19, two for the uncles that cannot gather with us due to safety, and one for my brother staying in New York this November. While different, Zoom is making this years holiday accessible for our family even though it is not an ideal situation. Our usual gathering is limited to 8 family members who have been quarantining to ensure maximum safety, however the impending risk is still a weird vibe to go into Thanksgiving with. Despite our gathering being different the table will still look the same, and yes I am talking about the food.

    Being fat at Thanksgiving is the best, BEST time of the year. Food speaks volumes on this day, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity each year to share this coveted meal with my family. What my family includes at the table is as follows:

- Appetizers (cheese board, so many dips, bacon tomato cups, baked brie, shrimps, and random sh*t that changes every year)
- Turkey...duh.
- Mashed potatoes
- Gravy
- Stuffing/Dressing 
- Cranberries (from a can, I know HOW DARE WE)
- Green Bean Casserole (my personal FAVE)
- Corn (basic but always a hit)
- Sweet potato something 
- Spinach cheese bake (so weird and random but god is it good)
- And I'm sure there is other stuff that I am forgetting but oh well

    This year I have the SCARY TASK of making the turkey. I have never cooked a whole chicken before. And I am terrified, but excited. We got a 19 pound turkey which is so large for no reason, but I am obsessed. This week I have been researching all these possible recipes and I have everything down but cooking time (but that can wait until tonight and I needed to write this blog LOL). While I am scared, the journey to fueling your body does not come with fear. You have to be willing to take those risks to get the maximum gains. So after days of research and trial runs here is the turkey recipe I will be using tomorrow for the weirdest Thanksgiving we've ever had:

What you'll need:
A turkey (were using a 19 lb one)
Roasting rack
Roasting pan
3 sticks of unsalted butter
1/4 cup freshly chopped sage
1/4 cup freshly chopped thyme leaves
1/2 cup freshly chopped parsley
1 head of garlic 
Salt and pepper to taste and to size
4 large carrots, cut into 1-2 inch chunks 
4 stalks of celery, cut into 1-2 inch chunks
3 large onions, peeled and quartered
8 cups of chicken broth
3 oranges
2 lemons

How to do it:

Okay this part is different and honestly I will not know exactly how I did until tomorrow morning. BUTTTT I will update Friday morning with the details and also pictures of the bird.

    While this will not look anything like a normal Thanksgiving take in the small moments and be thankful for what you do have. I am thankful for all of my readers and the support I have had. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. And wear your damn mask. 


The Fat Foodie


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