Chickpeas Might be my New but Not so New Thing

Chickpea Curry


    As the snow falls this morning all I can think is.....ARE YOU F*CKING SERIOUS? Snow? On a Monday (it's now Wednesday night because I procrastinate)? Before I waterproofed my Uggs? How dare Mother Nature. I was not done wearing shorts and sandals. But alas, the time has come for snow and cold and shivering. While the first snow signifies the start of holiday season, it still always takes me by surprise. Reason #1 why I am moving to California as soon as I can afford it. That's my dream to live there one day, the food is IMMACULATE. And the beach? Who doesn't want to live on a large body of water. Anyways, this cold weather has gotten me into sort of a funk. I haven't been as motivated to do my schoolwork. Waking up has been harder and harder. And the sun setting before 6:30 really resets how your body functions. Due to the cold and the lack of UV rays my work out scheduling has been a little less consistent, but that's okay because this a journey remember? With my lack of consistent movement this slump has needed some stimulation. So that's where my brain comes in. I took it upon myself this week to find fuel through a different countries cuisine. I looked to the cuisine that intimidates me the most: Indian food.

    Okay FIRST off, the flavors of this culture are so bold and bright and warm your heart from the first bite. And I have always wanted to learn, so this week I looked up to my first culinary plus sized icon: Aarti Sequeira. Aarti, who is plus sized, was on the Food Network Star during one of the first seasons I started watching. From day 1 I was DIE HARD GROUPIE. Her charisma and poise was infectious. She make Indian cuisine not only accessible to people like me, but also embraced a plus-sized lifestyle. She was the first person, aside from my wonderful mother, that made me feel okay for eating "filling" food. Because shocker to you dumbos, filling does not ever mean unhealthy. Feeling full is what we should strive for, and Indian cuisine allows me to do just that. I spent hours watching Aarti cook and talk and love. It brought me back to my childhood where I wouldn't dare try something besides noodles. So for this weeks recipe (short post I know...oopie senioritis is kicking in) I am recreating one of Indian cuisine's staples: curry. I researched the best and most authentic way to do it, but also had to forge ways to make this fit my diet. So this week friends I present to you: Chickpea Curry 

What you'll need: 

3 tbl vegetable oil
1 large yellow onion, chopped
2 tsp curry powder
4 cloves of garlic, roughly minced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp LAWRY'S garlic salt (it's just the best one)
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp paprika
1 cup veggie stock
2 cans of chickpeas
1 13.5 oz can of coconut milk
2 tbl honey
3 tbl sriacha 
1 tbl chili garlic sauce 
Rice to eat with (basmati is traditional, I used brown rice)

Curry in the pot....yummy!

How to do it:

1. Heat oil in large skillet on a medium low heat. Once hot, add in onion. Cook until onions are brown and caramelized (should take about 20 minutes). Once cooked add in salts and pepper
2. Stir in chickpeas and garlic. Cook for 30-45 seconds. Then add in veggie stock and bring to a small boil.
3. Once veggie stock is boiling dump in everything else. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and letter summer for 10-15 minutes.
4. Once thick turn off heat and serve with rice and cilantro. Enjoy!

    WOW was this GOOD. It's sweet, spicy, and savory. This curry was the perfect cure to a cold day, and warmed every part of me. And its vegetarian, which was unintentional but still so filling. If you remove the honey and replace it with maple syrup or agave you could easily make this vegan too! While not a typical meal for me to make, I will use this technique with other proteins for months to come. I guess the message of this week is to not let an off week get you down. Use the off week to learn something new and respark the fueling process. Jump into new territory fearlessly and new love will come to you. Enjoy the food you eat and the process of making it.


The Fat Foodie 


  1. omg. tanner. I am an Aarti STAN!!!! I was SO invested in her season of next food network star for some reason, I literally think it's the only season I've watched. absolutely adore her, still get sooo excited when she shows up to judge on other shows. Anyway, also love chickpeas and curry so will definitely be making this!

  2. this looks amazing! definitely trying it!


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