Barley Is Gonna Be Your New BFF


Veggie Barley Soup

    As the wind howls to signify the official start to cold season it's important to start warming your body with things that fuel you. I can't believe the heat is staying on and the sun sets before 5:00 pm. AWFUL. But overall, I love this season. I love it because eating soup is seen as more acceptable. To be clear, soup eating is always allowed but the winter time makes it even better. This weeks post will be short and to the point because I'm busy packing my life up to GRADUATE and MOVE HOME. It feels weird to even type it. But once I'm back home these blogs will increased with goodies. Think air fryer, and instant pot, and my mom buying groceries. That trifecta is the signifier of happiness. And sure makes your stomach feel good too. 

    So this week as we head into the second quarantine for COVID-19 and our lives will be drastically altered again I ask you to make some soup. You get a warm meal that lasts in the fridge for days. Make this week the easiest it can be with some dump and simmer Veggie Barley soup.

What you'll need:

1 yellow onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, mined
2 tsp of grated ginger 
1 cup chopped carrots
3 stalks chopped celery 
1 cup of barley
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup sliced and halved Kielbasa sausage (optional)
1 can of green beans 
1/2 cup frozen corn
1/2 cup frozen peas
1 potato diced in 1-2 inch cubes
1 can of diced tomatoes
6 cups veggie broth
2 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp black pepper
2 bay leaves
1 tbl oregano
1 tbl dried basil 
1 tsp seasoned salt

How to do it:

1. Chop an dice everything you need to chop and dice. Heat 3 tbl of olive oil (or whatever oil you want) in a large pot. Once oil is hot cook onions and garlic until fragrant 
2. After onions are cooked through add in carrots and celery and cook for 5-7 minutes
3. Add in EVERYTHING else. Yepp just dump it. Give a big stir and bring to a boi.
4. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer and cook for 30-45 minutes (or until potatoes are cooked through)
5. Enjoy with a piece of crusty bread and butter!

    This recipe is SO easy and feels like your cheating on your fuel journey. But this is packed with veggies and nutrients that will make you feeling amazing. Cold weather sucks which is why I am moving out of this state. But it does bring back good memories. As I pack up my life I remember all the meals I've shared in Peoria with friends and foes. While my journey in Peoria is coming to and end, I know this won't be the last time I enjoy fueling my body in this hidden gem of central IL.


The Fat Foodie


  1. This soup looks delicious!! I love how many vegetables are in it.

  2. This looks delicious and I cannot wait for air fryer & instant pot content


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