Use Food to Distract From All the Crap that is the World

    Let's make one thing abundantly clear; hate has no place at my table. This weeks blog will take a bit of a turn from the usual type of discussions we have. Rather than being focused on bodies and how to fuel them, we will instead talk about how to comfort them. A COVID-19 election is one of the scariest things many of us have ever been through. Our country is being ran by a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of garbage and some people have to risk contracting a deadly virus just to vote him out. I am only hoping you all voted with your morals and dignity so we don't have four more years of fear, but rather rebuilding. Biden is nowhere near "perfect" but when it comes down to it he is a good person. This past evening and this morning we have all been waiting to see if a "good person" will be the leader of the free world. And it's stressful, it's scary, it's awful. There's no sugarcoating there. I spent last evening refreshing google before reflecting on what I was doing. I was stressing myself out more, not taking care of my well-being. So instead of taking all night to not get an answer I focused on comforting myself. I made soup, some tea, and watched Schitt's Creek. Was that academically productive? No. Was it politically productive? No. But it was productive to my well-being. And sometimes that is all you can ask for.

    So today instead of telling you about a fat experience, or a bad time time I've had, or talk about a person I love we're gonna talk about how to love YOU. Because you can't change the world without making sure you are stable, comforted, and loved. And comfort food doesn't have to be healthy or junk. As long as if makes you feel warm and full and nurtured that's the goal. If you get some veggies in there, that's a plus. If it's a plate of pasta, that's totally okay. So here is what I do to comfort myself in a stressful time. This is a non comprehensive list, and it's not the same for everyone. But part of comforting myself is letting you get inside my brain. So here is how I make myself feel okay when things going on around us don't feel that way:

- Text/call/FT my mom or sister 
- Make a cup of ginger tea with honey and lemon
- Watching TikTok with no time limit 
- Read a book (only if I'm also feeling focused)
- Make a new meal and eat it all (ALL)
- Take a salt bath (Target brand epsom salt is amazing) 
- Color or draw or craft
- Clean (yeah it's so weird) but it's so true. I love deep cleaning 
- Go to TJ Maxx, Marshall's, or Home Goods
- Browse online shopping sites, but don't buy it 
- Look through old photos (this is only a vibe sometimes, it's rare)

    Instead of a recipe this week I want you to do something for yourself. I want you to take the week or day off from fueling your body and eat foods that comfort it. Get fast food, get take out, or drink a bottle of wine. Self-care is crucial to ensuring long term sustainability. I rarely eat out at fast food places or anywhere really because they are not my favorite, but when I do I have very specific things I want. Now you get an exclusive look into my brain. So no recipe, but here's the foods I eat when I want to comfort myself:

- Taco Bell: two shredded chicken quesadillas and a chulupa meal w/ pink lemonade
- Costco: chicken bake (ALSO a hangover cure)
- Noodles and Company: literally ANYTHING from here cures my sadness
- Starbucks: venti iced coffee w/ oat milk and 3 stevia (no classic)
- Chipotle: chicken bowl w/ white rice, black beans, veg, cheese, sour cream, corn, lettuce and a tortilla on the side
- Dairy Queen: oreo blizzard or peanut buster parfait 
- McDonalds (this is RARE, like RARE): ten piece nug meal, ranch, 1 mcchicken, w/ tropic berry sprite
- Andys Custard: ANYTHING. But usually a mixer with pretzels and caramel
- Thanh Linh: spring rolls and sweet and sour chicken
- Home Run Inn frozen pizza (BIG yum)

    No matter which way you lean politically, you gotta have morals to have a seat at my table. These last few months have truly revealed who deserves to be in my life. You can't feel bad about cutting someone off if they don't support you or your friends. Prioritizing your well-being is hard, but so freeing once you do it. Take the time after reading this make lists. Spend 15 minutes making lists like I have. Make lists of things that make you feel good. List foods that make you feel comforted. Because this is fuel, just in a different form. I love you. And I am here for you. The Fat Foodie wants you at this table, but leave the hate at the door.


The Fat Foodie


  1. I don't know where Andy's Custard is, but I definitely need to try a mixer with pretzels and caramel.

  2. Oof as if I needed another reason to go to TJ Maxx!!! ~self care~


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